Oregon Court Interpreter Cafe, Hosted by OSTI
w/ Special Guest Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Xiomara Torres H.
Judge Torres will be speaking to us on the importance of accuracy of the record in interpreted court hearings.
A relevant topic for court interpreters indeed, as Canon 1 of the CODE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR INTERPRETERS IN THE OREGON COURTS is ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS. “The interpreter shall render a complete and accurate interpretation or sight translation, without altering, omitting anything from, or adding anything to what is stated or written, and without explanation.”
You won’t want to miss this event!
(Note: This event is open to Oregon Certified and Registered Court Interpreters, OSTI Membership not required.)
Why: To socialize and check-in with our colleagues; to learn from each other and share our common experiences interpreting for the Oregon Courts during pandemic times; and—very importantly—to cut loose and socialize a little! These get-togethers will not be recorded, and are meant to foment solidarity amongst our colleagues when dealing with the various in-person, remote, and hybrid modalities of court interpreting. We can also chat about any issues that impact us in all aspects of court life. This is an ongoing event with varying hosts, an array of "set" and "loose" agendas, and guest speakers. Join us!
Hosts: Oregon Certified Court Interpreters John Wan, Jessica Dover, and Adrian Arias
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact OSTI members
Jessica Dover (jessica@almalunaspanish.com)
Adrian Arias (interpreteraa@hotmail.com)
We hope to see you!
Best wishes,
Adrian, John, and Jessica