Thank you for your interest in joining OSTI. We look forward to welcoming you as a new member.
As a member, you will enjoy the following benefits:
Inclusion in the OSTI member directory, which makes you accessible to potential clients.
Reduced member rate for OSTI sponsored workshops, events and annual conference.Our 2023 Conference will be held ONLINE on September 29, 30 and October 1.
Continuing education credits for participation in educational events hosted by OSTI. Check out thecalendar for upcoming events andphotos from past events.
Advocacy in support of interpreters and translators working in all settings.
Being an integral part of efforts to promote and support the professions of translation and interpreting in Oregon and beyond.
Participation in exclusive social media groups.
Encouragement to volunteer, participate on committees and attend OSTI’s board meetings.
A collegial environment for translators and interpreters deeply committed to their profession.